Try our free ASVAB practice test for Shop Information. Although, it’s a part of Automotive Information, but for test takers convenience, we’ve separated both sections.

This practice exam contains 11 questions about various hand tools found in military repair shop. Complete this test within six minutes and see your score at the end of this test.

What type of screwdriver would you use for a screw with a single slot?


What is the shape of the bit on a phillips head screwdriver?


Which tool is used to check the flatness or straightness of a surface?


What type of file has a cross-hatched pattern and is used for smoothing metal?


What type of saw is best for cutting curves in wood?


Which of these saws would be best for cutting through an iron bar?


Which of the following is a Forstner bit typically used for?


What type of hammer is best for shaping metal?


Which type of pliers is designed for gripping small objects or bending wire?


A soldering gun is used with what kind of materials?


A spindle, sleeve, and thimble are all components of what tool?


Question 1 of 11