Assembling Objects (AO) is an important section of Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). This ASVAB practice test contains 16 questions and you’ll get 16 minutes to answer them. This test assesses your understanding of how objects fit together in visual space. At the end of this test, you’ll see all the correct answers.

Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Object Question 2


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects Question


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Object Question


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects Question


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects Question


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

assembling objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects


Which option correctly assembles the given pieces?

Assembling Objects Question


Choose the figure that shows the shapes assembled into an object.

assembling objects


Question 1 of 16