Try our free ASVAB General Science Practice Test that contains 25 questions from Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics. The CAT-ASVAB contains 16 questions while P&P-ASVAB contains 25 questions from this section.

1. In degrees Celsius, at what point does pure water freeze?


2. In common terms, H2O is known as:


3. In the field of genetics, what term is used to refer to an organism’s appearance?


4. Approximately what percentage of the average adult human body is composed of water?


5. Which element is necessary in the formation of rust?


6. Which is not a part of the human eye?


7. What happens when a liquid becomes gas?


8. Which is not found in a cell?


9. At what temperature Celsius does water boil?


10. Which of the followings are not considered greenhouse gases?


11. Air is less dense than water because:


12. In which atmospheric layer is the ozone layer located?


13. Newton’s First Law of Motion, which states that objects in motion continue moving unless influenced by an external force, and objects at rest remain stationary unless influenced by an external force, is also known as the law of:


14. What liquid is neither acidic nor basic?


15. What does the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis toward or away from the sun cause?


16. What type of symbiotic relationship occurs when one member benefits while the other is harmed?


17. What is the world’s largest fish?


18. Which of the following elements is a not a metal?


19. Which of the following is equal to the atomic number of a chemical element?


20. Salt helps to melt ice because it:


21. What is the principal gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?


22. Which of the following device is used to measure electrical current?


23. When did the space shuttle first fly?


24. What is the chemical formula of table salt?


25. 100° C is equal to:


Question 1 of 25